Vineyard Vultur

VULTUR is the "CONDOR OF THE ANDES" (Vultur Gryphus). His quiet and perpetual flight has inspired our projects, dreams come true and to be realized. At the end of 2010, after a long period of winemaking experiences, Vultur establishes its nest in a small town, called DOÑIHUE, near RANCAGUA, heart of the “Chilean Rodeo” Daniel Miranda, Winemaker, his curiosity to know the world, led him to travel and work abroad, harvests in France, New Zealand and Spain, have contributed to his development and vision as a winemaker and winemaker. The way of expressing his concerns and desire to undertake lead him to lead the project with his wife Alejandra Toro, who is quickly integrated into the creation and development of Vultur. Convinced of making wines in small productions on a human scale, which express the characteristics of the grape and the terroir from which they come. Our MISSION is to deliver delicacy and care in all the details of winemaking, giving our wines a natural and first class treatment, in this way the love and passion are reflected in the final quality of our wines


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